Employee Experience industry useful reports – November 2024

4 Minutes
Here’s links to recent reports we’ve come across that we’ve found interesting and some of our key takeaways from them.

The 5 employee experience trends redefining work in 2025

This report from Qualtrics shares what they think is EXtremely hot in 2025.

Top takeaways:

  • 38% of employees are feeling pressure from their employers to increase productivity - Employees should be productive; but applying pressure isn't the way. The mojo way is to unearth what employees are motivated by and then leverage this to improve productivity. Work on what you love, and the results should follow.
  • Employee experiences are being ruined by entry and exit - Unsurprising as few organisations actually focus upon the Moments that Matter. Imagine not bothering to focus upon how you on-board a new customer!
  • There’s a clear correlation between trust and employee experience outcomes - Do right by your people and they'll do right by you.
  • Of employees who use AI daily or weekly 72% are optimistic about it - See, it's not so bad is it? However, it remains to be seen if AI truly does result in freeing up employee time to be more creative or frees up the need for resource.

In reality, the real EX trend for 2025 needs to be that senior leaders are on-board with it and will invest time and resources. The ROI is unbelievably compelling!

Link to report: https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/employee-experience-trends/

Is it time to move from ‘HR’ To ‘Employee Experience’?

Forbes discusses...

Top takeaways

  • Modern human resources practices have become overly bureaucratic - They can be, yes, but not always. Much depends upon the culture; HR can be a delight to interact with but can also bury you in layers and layers of stuff.
  • HR is no longer just the department responsible for hiring, administration and staff training - In many cases this is true. People practices often get lumped into HR, including internal comms, employee engagement and, yes, EX.
  • Realign the roles and responsibilities within your HR team to reflect the new EX philosophy - This isn't recommended. EX tasks involve a completely different skill set and you can't simply move someone from being 'traditional HR' to leading on designing experiences.
  • Equip your managers with the right skills and knowledge to lead with EX - Absolutely. But so much is fighting for their time and attention, so you need a compelling reason why.

Except in name only, you can’t simply turn HR into EX. The fact that this is happening is truly not helping. EX should be the umbrella term for all employee-related activity within the organisation and all employee functions should sit underneath. This will allow HR to focus upon what they do best. Internal Comms to focus upon what they do best etc. Appoint a Chief People Officer who presides over all of these functions and have them working closely together.

Link to the article: https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesbusinesscouncil/2024/10/16/is-it-time-to-move-from-hr-to-employee-experience/

EX drives engagement and success

Foundlever explore what EX is and how it ties into business success

Top takeaways:

  • The employee experience is the customer experience - Well, they are clearly two different things... but we love the enthusiastic sentiment and definitely see them as two equal sides of the same coin.
  • If the average organisation doubled the number of employees who strongly agreed that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the last seven days, the productivity gain would amount to almost $92 million in cost savings - This is quite some cost saving!
  • IBM research shows that companies that score in the top 25% on employee experience report nearly 3X the return on assets compared to organizations in the bottom quartile and X2 return on sales compared to companies in the bottom quartile - We're building quite a case for EX investment here!
  • When employees are engaged, they’re more likely to take initiative, contribute new ideas and work collaboratively with others - True, so don't micro-manage them and give them the freedom to do their jobs properly.

Herein lies yet more evidence that investment in EX reaps riches when implemented successfully. The trick is to understand how to do it properly.

Link to the article: https://foundever.com/blog/enhancing-employee-experience-to-drive-engagement-and-success/

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