EXclusive News – July 2024

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Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, produced by Brand Experiences.


Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, brought to you by Brand Experiences. This month we highlight a trio of our services, consider ‘The Creator’, describe how EX and CX are two sides of the same coin, and more. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.

Our Culture, Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Sustainability support offerings

We have a wide range of services that support the four things we care most about. Here’s three of them which you may wish to consider.

4 Things

Employee Surveys: Our approach to employee surveys differs to most providers in that we don't have a set of standard questions - we work with the organisation to build a set of bespoke impactful questions. We also provide a full findings report, recommendations for future improvements, support with the action planning process and can even present the results to your leadership team. Find out more.

Brand Purpose: We believe that the heart of a successful brand lies in its purpose. Our service is dedicated to helping you discover, articulate, and embody this purpose, transforming your brand into a beacon of inspiration and direction. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all. Whether you're a new venture looking to establish your identity or an established brand seeking to redefine your direction, we tailor our service to fit your unique needs. Find out more.

Candidate Experience: A positive candidate experience is more than just a good interview; it's a journey that begins from the first contact and extends beyond hiring. By refining each step of the candidate's journey, we ensure they feel valued, engaged, and motivated to pursue a future with your organisation. Let us help you make this journey unforgettable. Find out more.

You can view the whole range of our current services on our website.

Mojo motivator of the month – The Creator


There are nine recognised intrinsic motivators. This month we focus upon ‘The Creator’.

Creators thrive for innovation and to be identified with original output. They want to break barriers – bringing into existence what wasn’t there before. So, problems, challenges and the ‘new’ bring out the best in them and are highly motivating – solutions mean innovations.

If you have employees for which the above resonates, then you may wish to consider the following motivation strategies on an individual, team or organisation-wide basis.

Individual (What they can proactively do)

  • Create a stimulating environment – remember, the right side of the brain comes up with the creative ideas, and is stimulated by beauty, by nature, by music and art, and by what is unusual
  • Take a ‘sabbatical’ – one hour to one year – and do something entirely different to re-charge and replenish personal batteries
  • Volunteer to be involved in any fresh initiative – this will bring on new challenges and provides an opportunity to provide creative solutions
  • Use mind-storming to solve problems

Team (How the manager and colleagues can support)

  • Use creative techniques to generate ideas at team meetings – especially brainstorming
  • Identify all the business areas in which fresh input might be appropriate and beneficial - then get the team to work on them
  • Set goals and objectives that specifically require creative applications or original solutions to challenging problems
  • Avoid putting the Creators in a routine role or working on a routine project for too long a period

Organisation (What high-level activities can support)

  • Encourage and invest in the use of creative techniques across the organisation at all levels
  • Identify all organisational areas in which fresh input might be appropriate and beneficial
  • Set goals and objectives that specifically require creative applications or original solutions to challenging problems
  • Give recognition not just to results but to all innovative and creative solutions

If you’d like to understand more about intrinsic motivation, then view the mojo website or get in touch via: mojo@brandexperiences.com.

Want to play less tax? Then focus upon productivity


According to the latest UK government figures, UK output per hour worked hasn't recovered to its pre-2008 levels and lags 16% below the US and Germany. Productivity is the route to growth. So, if organisations or governments can't become more productive then cuts or more taxes will follow.

A key driver of productivity is motivation. The more motivated someone is, then the more productive they're likely to be. But first, you need to understand what intrinsically motivates someone. For that, you need mojo - the motivation and productivity platform.

So, be proactive and do something about growth. Your employees and citizens will thank you for it.

How does the Employee Experience impact the Customer Experience?


We look at it like EX x CX = BX2. In other words, get both right, and you’ll offer the best possible brand experience. Happy, motivated employees will provide a better service to customers and increase the chances of them coming back again. Find out more here.

Mojo supports StrategiQ’s success


Congratulations to one of our mojo customers, StrategiQ, who were recognised by the Sunday Times as one of the ‘Best Places to Work in 2024’. StrategiQ has been using mojo for two years and it has become a central pillar of their ‘Destination StrategiQ’ initiative, and something that has helped them raise the bar for employee satisfaction, productivity, profitability and customer experience.

Catch us at the MAD World Summit

MAD World The Festival Logo Final

Our team will be exhibiting mojo at the summit in October, so if you want to ask us any questions in-person, then is a great opportunity! The aim of the MAD World Summit is to shift the conversation about mental health in the workplace up a gear; accelerating the shift from stigma to solutions. This fits in snugly with the mojo ethos of stop treating the symptoms, cure the causes. The event is on 17 October 2024 at 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7DB.

EX industry useful reports – July 2024

Just in case you missed them, here’s a round-up of some recent reports we think you may find useful. This month we feature reports from IoIC and Ipsos Karian and Box , Management Today and Ragan.

You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website.

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